You will
be certified to dive to 30 meters. Doing the Advanced Open Water course
is a necessary step to opening the diving world up for you completely.
Under the safe supervision of your instructor, expand your experience of
scuba diving to include deep diving, night diving, wreck diving and more.
Choose the
following to broaden your experience:
DIVE to 30 meters. Descend to 30 meters and see the effects of
nitrogen narcosis. Understand the careful planning required when deep
diving and the considerations which have to be made.
DIVE - Learn to navigate underwater as you would do on land, with
and without compass. Be trained to use natural navigation as a reliable
tool to always find your way back to the boat and never feel disoriented
DIVE - Discover the thrill of wreck diving with safe supervision
of your instructor.
DIVE - See for yourself why night diving is a favourite amongst
professionals. Coral feeding ,nocturnal animals and colours you never
knew exist.
DIVE - Current too strong to make it back to boat? So why not fly
with it. Learn to safely drift dive without becoming disorientated and
watch marine life in full action.
DIVE - Understand the concept of boat diving, proper boatmanship
and the safety implication of diving from a boat.
PERFORMANCE BUOYANCY - Learn fantastic new hovers and ways to
appreciate the marine environment close up without any risk of damage to
the corals or yourself!! Perfect your bouyancy and increase your
confidence underwater.
DIVE - Most of our dives begin at our maximum depth and gradually
work their way shallower. Using the WHEEL instead of the TABLE , we
extend our bottom time as it takes this ascent to shallower depth into
account. From now on, all your dives will be longer!